Here's to New Beginnings.

It's been over a year since I was living in Orlando, Florida. I was working and playing in the theme park I grew up going to. I was happier than I have ever been.
The past semester was spent sitting on my bed, thinking about how my classes were probably going to cause premature gray hairs to pop out. I owed way too much money on my credit card bill. I spent a lot of nights in dingy bars at beer pong tournaments with my best friends. Sometimes, I competed. Mostly, I just watched.
That's how I've spent the last year - watching... waiting... wondering.
Whether it was waiting to hear back from one of the 500 businesses I had applied to, a friend to call with plans, or my favorite band to pass through town, I've been waiting for something to inspire me. I've been waiting for a kick in the ass saying, "this is it. This is your time." The problem with waiting around for your life to start is that the only person who can start it is yourself.
I've been told that I'm good at hustling. I spend hours upon hours scrolling through LinkedIn for different companies to apply to in hopes that one will lead to my dream job (even though I'm not quite sure what that is yet). I stand up for what I believe in. I'm good at follow up emails (yes, I consider that a feat). But I'm not quite at the point of chasing my own dreams. I've been blaming school, money, even my friends and family, while realistically, the only person I can blame is myself.
I moved to the Happiest Place on Earth over a month ago and while I thought that was going to be a kick in the ass, it hasn't been. I'm trying to get there though. I know I can.

So here's to the new.
New sights. New adventures. New beginnings.

xo, Brittany

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